Saturday, December 22, 2012

Suresh's 10th Annual Christmas Program December 22, 2012

A Last Minute Christmas Thought
"Songs on the radio, television specials, a glut of holiday advertising—our culture’s message is clear as the glass on a snow globe: The ideal celebration can, and should, be yours. But reality is often different. For many people, the weeks leading up to Jesus’ birthday are fraught with tension and difficulty, and the pressure to have a picture-perfect holiday lingers not so subtly in the back of our minds. The big day comes whether we’re ready or not. What we need is a different mindset...Peace, Not Perfection!

You may not spend Christmas morning in a stable. You may get a room at the inn. You may even finish your shopping and bake the cookies and decorate the tree. But should your body become weary, if your path becomes difficult, and if nothing goes as planned, remember that you can embrace Christmas right where you are. Reject the false promises of perfection. You don’t have to wait for peace, because peace didn’t wait for you.
It is here now. Kneel at the manger and see. It is Jesus."  Ginger Garrett     


Our week in Trinidad ended with an awesome Christmas program for the Sunday School of Pastor Suresh. It was a busy morning getting chickens plucked and marinated (do not worry, we didn't have to pluck them but we picked them up where they did!), Roti made, China made and the Chubbies on ice! By noon we were all ready for the 10th Annual Sunday School Christmas Treat.

The kids have been practicing for this program since early November. But we got a call early this morning that the young man who plays Joseph got very sick and had to go the hospital. With one call to the director of the play, Samson, we had it all worked out.

The kids started arriving early, as they usually do on Saturday mornings for Sunday School. One of them even came to the door and asked if the "white man could come out and play". I will let you guess who that was! :) I had a great time hanging out with many of the guys and throwing rocks in the river trying to wake up the alligators! I know, don't I know better...yes, but I could not let these guys know that I was scared!


Here are a few glimpses from the program:                                                 

One of Pastor Suresh's friends, Charles, is a worship leader, and he lead us in several Christmas songs. The kids did very good. They even sang my favorite Christmas song, Go Tell It On The Mountain! The only song missing was Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer! Charles said that was a new one to him!

I had the privilege to bring a Christmas message. I talked about the two greatest gifts of Christmas...the first gift is very familiar, even here in Trinidad -- the birth of Jesus Christ...but, the real gift of Christmas was the cross that Jesus came to die on.

The kids did a great job with the skit about the Christmas story.

What would the Christmas program be without the new ministry leaders bringing a word to the kids. Zack and Leah had a big fight...because Leah forgot Zack's birthday. Zack said he did not want to be Leah's friend anymore. Zack realized he was not right in what he said to Leah and knew he had to tell her he was sorry!

Then...BeBoy and the gang finished the program leading the kids in a song.

What an awesome time we had! With many games, gifts for all the children, an awesome snack bag (can you believe they have Nerds, Tootsie Pops and Bottle Caps down here) and a snack supper, this was by far the best Christmas Treat for Suresh's children.

In attendance at the Christmas Treat today were 75+ children and 45+ adults. The music and words of Christmas rang throughout the village. Everyone around knew that the REAL meaning of Christmas was Jesus Christ!

We have an early start in the morning, so goodnight until we reach back in the US. I am looking forward to bringing some final thoughts in my next blog post.

Christie & Mike

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